Worked on the development team for 2 years on UFC 5 developing and driving the look and feel for the product. the concept created by our Art Team is "Beautiful Violence" that later transitioned to "As real as it gets" for better reception. 

Beautiful Violence is the perfect description for our product, showcasing the newest generation of visuals recreating speed, power and damage resulting in impact affecting the gameplay in meaninful ways. 

During my time in UFC I was involved with creation of Visuals, Brand, Concepts, UI re-skin and managing the live services team. 

Team :
Jeff Kwok (Design Director)
Sherman Tam (Senior UI Designer)
Peter Luk (UX Designer)
Eugene Chau (UX Designer)

Brand Development, Visual Direction & UI Design

LIT vs GRIT is a campaing created for NHL 21 to represent the younger ( Lit ) and the older generation ( Grit ) of NHL.  Creating a series of elements that will be carried accross the game, like the fire representing the Lit players who are agressive and stylish. The Grit player repsent the OG generation, the ones who have been the longest in the game and they have a reputation to keep.


DANAMIC DUO VOL.2 is a campaing created in 2020 to present the best duos in NHL. The whole concept was based on a Superhero theme and place two player on the same card, letting one of them to be dominant. Team color was used to clearly differentiate the teams that the player belong to. Classic angles and explosion graphics and dark contrast on details were use to bring out the Superhero magazine style to the set.
